Newest articles

ENS Web Update April 2024A brief overview of the changes in April 2024

Updating the ENS DocumentationThe ENS Documentation is receiving an upgrade to its documentation featuring a new look and feel, improved navigation, and a full content rewrite.

Announcing Free DNS Domain Usage in ENS with GoDaddyWe're partnering with GoDaddy to make it easier for people to use their exisitng domains in web3.

A Beginners Guide to Ethereum and ENSA beginner's guide to understanding Ethereum and the Ethereum Name Service (ENS).

Gasless DNSSEC on MainnetDNS names can now be ENS-enabled for free, without any onchain transactions.

ENS Town Hall Q2 2023Join us for the ENS Town Hall for Q2 2023! Streamed on Thursday, June 29, 2023.